
News Center


Company news Rising to the challenge and continue to innovate

On the morning of June 24, 2024, the National Scien…

信宇人荣获 2023年国家科学技术进步奖
2024-06-24 More details

2024-06-24 More details

Tender announcement | Xinyuren Coating Head Precision Division invites bids for procurement of processing equipment and testing equipment

招标公告 | 信宇人涂布头精密事业部加工设备及检测设备采购邀请招标
2024-04-23 More details

2024CIBF | Xinyuren sincerely invites you to visit Chongqing International Battery Technology Exchange and attend the Lithium ceremony

2024CIBF | 信宇人诚邀您参观重庆国际电池技术交流会,共赴锂电盛典
2024-04-13 More details

Tender announcement | 5GWh46 is a domestic invitation to tender announcement for the procurement and installation project of cylindrical battery equipment

招标公告 | 5GWh46系圆柱电池设备采购及安装项目进行国内邀请招标公告
2024-03-18 More details

Arbor Day | Root down, grow up

植树节 | 向下扎根,向上生长
2024-03-12 More details

Goddess Day | pays tribute to all the ordinary and great women

女神节 | 致敬所有平凡而伟大的女性
2024-03-07 More details

Xinyuren News | Our company won the Ningde times "Customer Satisfaction Award"

Recently, our company was honored to win the "Custo…

信宇人动态 | 我司荣获宁德时代“客户满意度奖”
2024-02-23 More details

Won the bid | Xinyuren the 50Gwh lithium battery Industrial base (new energy battery standardization plant) phase I equipment procurement and installation project

中标喜讯 | 信宇人喜中50Gwh锂电池产业基地(新能源电池标准化厂房)一期设备采购及安装项目
2024-02-23 More details

Good luck in starting the project | Xinyuren wish you a bright future in the the Year of the Loong!

At the beginning of the New Year, Vientiane is rene…

开工大吉 | 信宇人祝大家龙年龘龘,前程朤朤!
2024-02-23 More details

喜讯 | 信宇人单向双面涂布技术荣登动力电池领域年度标志性技术进展榜单
2024-01-20 More details

2024-01-13 More details

> Company:0755-84611586

> Fax:0755-84611589

> Special line:4008855199

> Email:xyr@xinyuren.com

> Add.:Shenzhen longgang district liuzhou street back to hon Long Bu community peak (longgang) industrial plant no. 2 workshop

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